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dream of the worse deserts?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Today is ur birthday.. dun remember wadeva things that happened yesterday. its history le:) anyways stay bac only... no harm one so right dun feel bad about it..

never{6:05 AM}

Friday, April 25, 2008

this are yvonne's B'day present.isnt them cute especially the pig:) erm but i think we are being cruel to animal lol stuck a sheep and tortise inside a milk bottle lol.stuff the tortise until our of shape.
Anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY YVONNE!!!!!!! dun be sad about wat happen today is not ur fault and next week only got about 3 days other days got holiday and advance paper also no recess lol lame shit

never{3:55 AM}

listening to Bad Day by Daniel Powter now. I HAD A BAD DAY. n yes, i cried.

today could have been real great, but everything jus went down down down after recess. n im guilty. because i got down bcos of me.

it's like, the class tried to sang the b'day sng for 3 time. the first time was when i didnt realise it(sorry for ignoring) so they tried again. the second time, i heard, but when they were about to start, DC walked by the stairs and everyone went 'Mr c! mr c!'. lol. so the third time, it really went nice and loud. n i screamed when they sang my name. really appreciated it. then everyone went high shouting, screaming, clapping lorhs. ms thor came in, then came a man (you noe who) yelling n told those clapping n shouting to go out. poor thing liangmin n yingkang got scolded so loudly outside classroom la. im seriously SORRY about that. n then he came in n said e2 have to stay back during recess next monday. someone was caught smiling, so extended to the whole of next wk.

i'm totally guilty, like my fault cos the whole class gotta get punished becos they celebrated my bday. not logical at all. n i NEARLY cried when DC said 'i dont care if u r celebrating your friend's bday bleah bleah bleah. " so sad lehs.

n i couldnt stand it and broke down. cos yuvin was like looking at me. then i started crying immediately aftr lit class. n everyone wwas like consoling me. n i cried EVEN HARDER. MY WORST BIRTHDAY EVE EVER.

seriously, im sorry, and at the same time in glad to hear that everyone was like easy with the punishment. thanks for all consoles and "the don't cry don't cry"!!

oh, lastly, REAL HAPPY TO RECEIVE THE PLUSH TOYS FROM SNAILIES!!!! SO CUTE!! i love the tortoise -- most FLEXIBLE legs ever, the yang meh meh -- so poor thing got squeezed so hard in the milk bottle n opps, when i tried to take it out at home, one fur was plucked out. :X, the piggy -- yays. hew hp holder. the tail rocks. ((:

"i know it's kinda late, but Happy Bithday~~ "


never{12:53 AM}

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

tadas~ my turn to post. i guess everyone in class are like browsing blogger, etc etc. these fews days quite stressed thou, everyday got assignments that stack on my table. hais. one day i will go bonkers de lo. n i remembered my senior said 'why stress so much in sec 2?" hmms. okays. i shall not choing THAT much. ((:

anws, i've gained like 0.5kg over 4 months. GRR. and i guess it must be the overmunching of snacks (i've recently got a craze over chocolates. oh, n also Julie's wheat biscuit.) so nice. cant resist.

okays, now linyuan is complaining that i'm posting too long. okay lo. shall improve more on summary. GEES.

btw, my sms bomb le, so try not to sms me. even if u sms i wont reply. at least to those not impt ones. but i will call u. all bcos of someone ehss. someone i've smsed for like one whole afternoon with over 200 sms. i guess so. hais.

byes. have a nice weekend and jiayou gor exams.


never{6:51 PM}

Todae PW was a free period... tt's way i then got time to post.. yvonne keep on rushing me to post lors alhtough i got nth to say.. huien and xinmei keep on watching psycho shows!! left and right surrounded by them watching sick shows.. hais.. so disgusting.

so right, dont go and see the happy tree friends shows. will go psycho in the head one...

never{6:40 PM}

Friday, April 11, 2008

Yes is me the crapper again i lame leh today end of the week i want to post what had happen last friday zzzz. i just remember that i won a prize during the sports day.SO HAPPY!!!! i won 4 times 100m relay 2nd i was the 2nd runner haiz i could have run faster leg pain zzz stupid leg...but still contented at least we won.

And when my name was call and i have to go to the announcement table i was shock i thought i did sthg wrong then teacher wan see me or smthg i nearly die of heart attack. stupid me dunneo where is the announcement table still walking around asking ppl then they was like saying dunneo where when they just past by it 0.o Yea finally found that announcement table then the teacher tell me that i won the lower sec indivitual champion 0.o i was like huh??then he say later collect prize and thuck in ur shirt zzz.

Indivitual champion SO happy it was my 1st time participating in sports day and i win YEA!!! can the trophy be sell to garang guni it is metal put at home also like no use sell le can but some sweet lol.i total won 3 medal and 1 trophy im so proud of myslef lol.Is no ppl participate in sports day or is i too pro how can i ever win a thropy like this0.o(i think is nobody participate).But anyway,im HAPPY!!!

never{7:53 AM}

A snail...A snail....omg...saw tis on the plants there while walking to the sch gate on sat wif claire(tink so)...den decided to take tis photo...hmmp...who is tis snail???

never{7:29 AM}

Oh ps 4get say We have a new "clique" a few snailies have a new "clique"(we r still in snailies) we r the BAH cube.claire >>>bloody ass hole,xinmei>>>bloody,me...huien>>>ass and pearlyn>>>>the hole..... so 4 ppl tgt= bloody ass hole cube..cool rite lol. we have a song for our BAH cube u know what song it is, it bah bah black sheep( the new version one). Bah bah black sheep have you any flower, yes sir yes sir 3 bag full...........whahahahahaha

never{7:28 AM}

Yvonne say blog very dead call us post so i post. posted...

just joking i want u all to know something......WE R FAMOURS check out this photo>>>>> and this photo>>>> We r famours we can be found in a children poem book or what ever it is call but WE CAN BE FOUND IN BOOK.(writer give wrong idea to children snails eye does not grow on the body and is on the feeler thingy.)

My art piece, i did it in the tution centre cos nthg to do so draw on the board isnt them cute>>> i draw abit inproportionate,yvonne the 2nd snail look so long ....xin mei look so BIG and linyuan look like a slug0.o... but isnt them cute im so proud of myself hehe

never{7:09 AM}

the blog's so dead~. nvm... let me post. hehehs. im lyk yi xin many yong now, typing post, listening to music, browsing thru bloggs, doing chinese hw and thinking who was tat NO NUMBER who called me at 7.20pm. hmmmms.

anws, no one lyk blogged cos of the 2 wks long tests. hais. but now tat it's over.. it's great. next BIG THING: MYE. gosh!

uhuh... brief overview of my week: was pretty okays in terms on mood. of course i did get angry lyk a few times in sch, but seriously there are ppl around me cheering me up. lyk these:

#1. english lesson two days ago, paired up with Sharon for that Who want to be a Millionaire game. n there was a huge huge gap between me and linyuan. wanted to get a piece of paper from her and tried to stretch my hand real hard to get it. who noes the nex second sharon pushed her chair bac n grabbed it (SO FAST) and im like still down there stretching. super funny, i sort of laughed for 2 whole minutes. OMG. super funny. :D

#2. PFT. at least im now still at the gold stage. n didnt fail my shuttle run. i cant run. legs short. and stretched to a new record for sit and reach!! wee~~ but i noe claire's sad. it's not fair. tcher only gave her one chance to stretch.

#3. hmms. today? bcos i saw samuel doing that SHOULDER SHAKING move. eww. but funny. n yinwei saw kenneth doing it too. i couldnt c at my position. how sad. mayb i shld b happy. at least im not disgusted. HAHAH.

#4. today pretty happy. bcos mr yang's lesson was super funny. unlike ytd. he jus BLOWED ytd.

--- if i can rmb, i will post again---

#1. stressed up. everyday tests. well that's every student's sad thing.

#2. ytd. was PW. nicholas did so much on the flash. n in the end the comp couldnt read the thumbdrive. oh, n that night b4, i did the prototype for lyk so many hrs. i believe zijian too. and his is REALLY NICE!! Great job zijian!

#3. ytd during recess. wanted ron's help to open class door. and nic n him snatched for the key. then ron's finger nails so long and scratched my hand. but it doesn't matter now, he APOLOGISED. forgiven. ((:

okays. tat's abt all. n today, kelvin and liangmin (or mayb jus kelvin) wanted me to scream. but i cant scream without a reason. shall wait for one day when i really scream. btw, rmb samuel saying last wk during sports day tat he finds me lyk pretty sad instead of happy. lyk, i laughed and smiled but only laughed and smiled for the sake of doing it. he said i looked sad. no idea why. hmms. my mood dont stay constant.

-reall long post. byes to all.

never{5:28 AM}

.our clique.

formed in year 2007, in Zhonghua Secondary School, a bunch of girls from 1e2'07 and now 2e2'08:) who walk extremely SLOWLY. Gradually came up with the name 'Snail-ies' and we STILL will keep to this name even though we are walking faster now. You are advised to read the blog, 'cos u'll never know how fast a snail can type a post after reading ours'. :)) post a NICE taggy before leaving!

Hui En
Xin Mei
Lin Yuan
Have A Look Too :D


snailies3 Huien


Designer:giant pixel

The Past

February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
October 2008

The Song Snails Like